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Is COVID *really* mild for kids? 🤔

Most kids are less likely to become severely ill with COVID-19 than adults. But this is not true for all kids.

As of July 8th, kids represent around 11% of all COVID cases in Canada:

  • 1 out of 100 cases will require hospitalization
  • 1 out of 10 hospitalizations will end up in the ICU

There is also the risk of developing serious conditions such as Long COVID and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C).

So remember, the risk to kids is not zero.

A big thank you to Dr Anne Pham-Huy, a Paediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist with @uOttawa, @cheohospital, and

We are eagerly anticipating Health Canada’s decision about the COVID-19 vaccine for kids #Under5. A decision is expected to be made mid-July!


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